Wednesday 8 December 2010

Codes and conventions

Men are often used in music videos by female artists; they will often be muscular back-up dancers. But videos which have more meaning use men to represent a woman’s feelings towards a man or men in general.

Women I music videos are there typically as sex appeal a lot of the songs are about the things in the artist life; like clubbing and women, so it would be essential for those two to be in the video, a lot if not all RnB videos feature a woman or multiple women usually scantily clad or in a very promiscuous outfit.

The video its self tends to depend on the song, if it’s a fast passed rap song it will usually have a fast sequence of events to compliment this, if it’s a slow song it could have a meaningful video which is slow and well directed. A lot of the upbeat tunes will feature dance routines.

Emotion is essential in the video if it is a deep and meaningful song, the song itself can usually accomplish this, but a video is added depth. This is most commonly employed by female artist as men usually sing and rap about other things.

Money is linked in with social status and the swagger of an artist, typically male, some females do also use money in their raps but it is not very common. For a lot of male artist cars are a symbol of status too, so it is essential for a fast car in the video, almost representing their fast lifestyle. The flashier the car the better the artist looks, showing their swagger through their car.

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