Tuesday 14 December 2010

Artist profile

Name: Avery Emerson
AKA: Avery  
Date of Birth: 16th November 1987
Birth Place: Chicago, Illinois
Occupation: DJ, Producer
Instruments: Synth keyboard, Piano
Active Since: August 2008
Record Label: Sony Music Entertainment

Avery started learning the piano at a very young age, his mother used what little money she had spare to pay for lessons. That investment paid off, as of 2005 he has been producing dance tracks eventually moving into the rap business, writing his own lyrics and producing his own music he rose to the top of the RnB world through his unique style, ingenuity and passion for his craft, with his mother becoming ill in 05 he made sure he would be able to pay her back for everything and to give her a comfortable life. 

Avery spends a lot of his time on his work, but when he isn't working he is clubbing with his entourage  or spending time with his friends and family, and guiding his young nephew, not an athletic man, he still goes to the gym and plays flag football with his old college friends.

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